Before And After Clip In Hair Extensions. Here's what my hair looked like before, and after applying the clip ins. Clip-in hair extensions are one of the easiest hair attachments to fix by yourself.
Hairstylist Ken Paves, whose Hairdo line includes clip-in synthetic extensions, walked her through the (surprisingly simple) process.
Prior to that fateful day in September, my hair was the longest it had ever been -- nearly reaching my elbows.
You are going to be shocked at the transformation from our premium quality hair extensions! We encourage our stylists to take before and after, and also take a picture after Great Lengths have been removed so you can really see the difference and that no damage has. After all, like most people, my hair when I wake up in the morning doesn't look like a Victoria's Secret model's Thankfully, hair extensions have come a long way since the days of unrealistic clip-ons.